Three Options for Being an Advocate for Religious Freedom
Advocates are parents, educators, school leaders, and students who focus on the measurable activities and goals listed below. There are three levels of Advocacy:
LEVEL 1: Personal Use — Educators can be Advocates for religious freedom in their own classrooms. Students can also be Advocates in their classes.
LEVEL 2: Share with Others — Help others in your school or church understand religious freedom by giving them the information listed below.
LEVEL 3: Reach Your Community — Engage people in multiple churches and schools to become Level 1 or Level 2 Advocates.
Provide Gateways with the school principal’s name and school address. An attorney from Alliance Defending Freedom will then mail the principal a personalized letter clarifying students’ and educators’ freedom of religious expression
Participate in our virtual training and updates
Distribute Free to Speak pamphlets to students, educators, and parents
Get teachers to show the videos provided by the Orange County (CA) Department of Education explaining students’ and educators’ religious freedoms
Get teachers to display our Free to Speak posters in their classrooms to reinforce that students’ religious expression is welcome
Get campus clubs or church youth groups to use our youth group lesson, “Think-Sync-Go!”
Advocate for school boards to adopt our Model School Board Policy and Administrative Regulations that promote and protect religious freedom in schools
Engage others to join you to advocate in your school and in neighboring schools