Religious Expression at School is an Asset
Students’ religious upbringing can be a valuable asset for emotional, behavioral, and academic success. Welcoming students to connect their faith to their learning can help advance a school district’s goals. When schools welcome students’ religious expression they are acknowledging the value of what the faith community pours into its children’s lives.
Gateways to Better Education works as a bridge, connecting the school community and the faith community, with the common goal of helping students flourish. This is accomplished without mixing church and state. Misunderstanding separation of church and state often leads to unnecessary restriction of student expression, or activities by educators that exceed appropriate limits.
History of the U.S. Department of Education’s Guidance on Religious Freedom
In 1995, under the Clinton Administration, the U.S. Department of Education issued guidance on religious expression in public schools. This was updated in 1998 and 2003. In 2020, the Department updated and reissued the Guidance. Read more…