WHY do it? Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has pointed out “It pains me to say this, but in certain quarters, religious liberty is fast becoming a disfavored right. For many today, religious liberty is not a cherished freedom.” Free speech, and especially religious speech, must be promoted and defended. In many countries around the world, people are not allowed to express their beliefs unless the government approves it. Unfortunately in America, because of people’s misunderstanding of the law, religious expression is too often not allowed freely in public school classrooms. Religious freedom isn’t free. It takes effort to maintain it. Join the Free to Speak campaign!
The Student-Led Free to Speak Campaign can have a real impact in your school in four significant ways:
It softens the soil for students sharing their faith in class.
It activates students to be bolder in expressing their faith.
It dips their toes in the evangelism water with a pre-evangelism activity.
It will help grow the group's attendance as students speak more boldly about their faith with classmates.
Ask every teacher in your school to display the Religious Freedom poster in their classrooms as a way to signal that their classroom welcome’s students to express their beliefs.
Give the Free to Speak pamphlets to students throughout your school.
Takes just 5 minutes to introduce it to your club
(1) Show the 3-minute video to your club. (2) Give students the posters. (3) Give them Free to Speak pamphlets. That’s it!
HOW to do it: The Free to Speak Campaign is simple.
Find the video on the Orange County (CA) Department of Education’s website by visiting vimeo.com/671272230. You can download it if you need to for your school’s announcements.
When approaching your school’s administration, remember, as per the Equal Access Act, federal law requires that religious clubs be given the same access to school announcements as other clubs. We suggest you include an advertisement for club participation either before or after the video when it is shown to your school.
There is no cost to order Religious Freedom posters and Free to Speak pamphlets for on-campus clubs. Simply, complete the form below.
Choose a week when your club members will ask every teacher to display the posters. Keep track of those who agree to do it. It will be encouraging to know the number of teachers who support free speech. And be sure to let us know. We want to track how the campaign is impacting schools across the country.
Give the Free to Speak pamphlets to students whenever and however you can.
Student explains the launch
WHEN to do it: You can do the campaign ANYTIME throughout the year. You might consider linking the campaign to these dates:
September 17, Constitution Day and Constitution Week is whatever week the 17th is in.
January 16, Religious Freedom Day. Every year the President proclaims January 16th as Religious Freedom Day to honor the freedom we have in America. For more information, visit ReligiousFreedomDay.com.
Any time of the year. There is no need to wait for September 17th or January 16th. Do it NOW!
Register to Receive Your “Free to Speak” Box of Materials at no Cost!
If you have any questions, please contact. Phone: (949)586-5437 Email: info@gtbe.org