
Week: February 17-21, 2025


2/17/25 - Christ’s Extreme Love


Students should read about the crucifixion of Christ to learn about the influence of Christianity on the Rev. Martin Luther King.

In his famous, “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” King answered a group of clergymen who criticized him for being what they called “an extremist.”

He wrote, “In that dramatic scene on Calvary’s hill three men were crucified. We must never forget that all three were crucified for the same crime---the crime of extremism. Two were extremists for immorality, and thus fell below their environment. The other, Jesus Christ, was an extremist for love, truth and goodness, and thereby rose above his environment.”

You can be a gateway to better education. If you know public school teachers, encourage them to go to our website to learn how to teach about Dr. King’s faith. Click HERE for article.


2/18/25 - MLK’s Christian Pledge


Students should learn how Dr. King's Christian faith impacted his leadership in the civil rights movement. For example, he had civil rights participants sign a statement committing to, among other things: MEDITATE daily on the teachings and life of Jesus, WALK and TALK in the manner of love, for God is love, PRAY daily to be used by God in order that all men might be free.

Public school teachers are not proselytizing for merely teaching students about Dr. King's passionate insistence that his fellow protesters base their actions on Christian principles.

If you know public school teachers, encourage them to go to our website to learn how to teach about how King’s faith guided his actions. Click HERE for the article.


2/19/25 - Choose Reason Over Emotion


Today’s culture too often emphasizes emotion over reason. But, living by passions and doing it in the name of freedom has brought bondage to so many people’s lives.

As the Apostle Peter pointed out, “They promise freedom, but they themselves are slaves of sin and corruption. For you are a slave to whatever controls you.”

Today’s young people are told to find their own truth and follow their hearts. But what they need to hear are the words of Peter as he instructed us how to overcome our passions and live in true freedom. He wrote, “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever.”

You can be a gateway to better education to your children and students. Visit our HOME PAGE for more resources.


2/20/25 - Biblical Reason


The Biblical thinking that supported America at its founding teaches us that no matter what our passions burn for at the moment, justice and injustice are truths established by God.

This secures man from abuse by his fellow man. It forms what Thomas Jefferson referred to as unalienable rights. It doesn’t mean there were no injustices in America’s past. Obviously, there were and continue to be. But it gave us a system of self-government so we could, and still can, correct these injustices.

Our nature leans toward corruption and selfishness. Our need is for redemption and refinement. To the degree that we align with Biblical principles will be the degree to which we create a better society and a more hopeful future for our children and grandchildren.

You can be a gateway to education for your children and students. Visit our HOME PAGE for more resources.


2/21/25 - Critical Thinking


You can help your children become critical thinkers while in school. Critical thinking means analyzing and evaluating ideas. Your children don’t need to just read their textbooks or watch a class video and believe everything they are told. While reading or listening, they can ask themselves questions like, is that all there is to the story? What is being left out? What is the textbook or video trying to get me to believe? Are there other ways of looking at this issue? What have Christians said about this topic?

A textbook or lesson that only looks at a subject as if there are no spiritual beliefs related to it will often miss important parts of a well-rounded education.

You can be a gateway to better education for your children by helping them develop critical thinking skills. Visit our HOME PAGE for more resources.