Week: March 24th - March 28th, 2025
3/24/25 - Only One God
Secular Humanism declares there is no God: man is the measure of all things. Education is, then, about learning to live in a world where God either does not exist or is irrelevant.
The Bible declares that there is only one God (Exodus 20:3). One God means one set of rules to live by. But in a world where everyone is their own God, the captain of their own ship, all society is left with is the power of the government. The more we move away from believing that there is a God who sets the rules, the strong the government must become to protect social order. America’s next generation, who are now in our schools, need to learn this.
You can be a gateway to better education for your children and students. For more resources, click HERE.
3/25/25 - Science does not kill God
Public school science teachers should introduce their students to Marcelo Gleiser. He is a Brazil-born theoretical physicist at Dartmouth College. He says his mission is “to make people understand that science is just one other way for us to engage with the mystery of who we are.”
In an interview with Scientific American, Gleiser, who describes himself as an agnostic, said, “I believe we should take a much humbler approach to knowledge…I honestly think atheism is inconsistent with the scientific method…It’s a statement, a categorical statement that expresses belief in nonbelief.” He rejects “the notion that science alone can lead to ultimate truths about the nature of reality.”
You can be a gateway to better education for your local schools. For more information on the work of Marcelo Gleiser, click here.
3/26/25 - The Pledge is Not a Prayer
Some people argue that saying "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance is a form of prayer, therefore it is unconstitutional to have schoolchildren recite it. However, a careful reading of the Pledge reveals that we are not pledging allegiance to God we are pledging allegiance to our republic.
The Pledge then describes the republic as one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. In other words, it acknowledges the Founders' declaration that our freedom comes from God, not the state.
Teaching each phrase of the Pledge of Allegiance will give your students a new appreciation for their country and the importance of being a nation under God.
You can be a gateway to better education for your students and children. For help on teaching about the Pledge, read the article WHY "UNDER GOD" MUST REMAIN IN THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE.
3/27/25 - True Freedom
Samuel Adams, one of America’s founding fathers, warned us when he wrote: "Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt."
Without personal virtue all the laws in the world can only dictate punishment, they cannot empower a person to do what is right.
The Apostle Peter urged us to: “Act as free men, not as a cloak for doing evil, but live as bond slaves to God.” The Bible teaches that true freedom comes from living by the moral guidance of God’s truth, not our own passions.
We are so grateful that this radio station is committed to helping you be guided by Biblical truth. You can be a gateway to better education for your children. For more information, click visit our HOME PAGE.
3/28/25 - Easter Textbook Lesson
Christian young people know the Easter story of Christ’s death and resurrection, but they most likely don’t know its impact on history, literature, and culture.
It’s sad that many public school students don’t know the religious aspects of the Easter story. That can be fixed if educators will just teach the facts about the holiday. But it’s also important that students in our churches understand the cultural impact of the Easter story.
We’ve created a lesson that does this for Sunday schools and youth groups. We paraphrased Luke 22 through 24, inserted cultural and literary references, and made it look like pages straight out of a textbook. Churches can make copies of the pages and share them with their students and families. For a free copy, click HERE.