Every Classroom in Ohio can Display “With God, All Things Are Possible”
Ohio has the best motto of any state, “With God, All Things Are Possible,” a quote from Jesus in Matthew 19:26. It also has a law that allows its motto to be posted in every classroom in the state. To receive a link to downloadable a PDF file of the entire collection of designs, please complete the form below.
§3313.801 Display of United States and Ohio mottoes
(A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, if a copy of the official motto of the United States of America "In God We Trust" or the official motto of Ohio "With God, All Things Are Possible" is donated to any school district, or if money is donated to the district specifically for the purpose of purchasing such material, the board of education of the school district shall accept the donation and display the motto in an appropriate manner in a classroom, auditorium, or cafeteria of a school building in the district, provided all of the following conditions are satisfied:
The motto is printed on durable, poster-quality paper or displayed in a frame.
The dimensions of the paper or frame are at least eight and one-half inches by eleven inches.
The copy contains no words other than the motto and language identifying the motto as the motto of the United States of America or Ohio.
The copy contains no images other than appropriate representations of the flag of the United States of America or Ohio.
(B) In lieu of complying with division (A) of this section, the board of education of any school district may adopt, by a majority vote of its membership, a resolution describing appropriate design requirements for copies of the official mottoes of the United States of America and Ohio that are different from the design requirements described in divisions (A)(1) to (4) of this section. If a copy of the official motto of the United States of America or Ohio that meets the design requirements described in the board's resolution is donated to the district, or if money is donated to the district specifically for the purpose of purchasing such material, the board shall accept the donation and display the motto in an appropriate manner in a classroom, auditorium, or cafeteria of a school building in the district. Effective Date: 10-12-2006.
[Note: The word “shall” means “must.” Schools must accept and display the donated signs.]
THE VISION: Ohio has 3,500 schools with 240,000 educators teaching more than 1.7 million school children and it has a LAW that supports putting signs into EVERY CLASSROOM that display “In God We Trust” and “With God, All Things Are Possible.” There are nearly a quarter million classrooms in Ohio waiting for these mottoes to decorate their walls.
Steps You Can Take
1. If you are an educator: complete the form above to receive an email to a downloadable file to print the poster you wish to display (8.5x11 or 8.5x14). Hang it in your classroom. Share the posters with colleagues and encourage them to also add one in their classroom.
2. If you are a parent, grandparent, or student: print posters in accordance with Ohio state guidelines and gift them to teachers you know.