
Week: January 27th-31st, 2025


01/27/25 - Ohio Motto


Ohio has wonderful state motto: “With God, All Things Are Possible.” It also has a law that allows that motto to be posted in every classroom in the state.

Ohio has 3,500 schools teaching more than 1.7 million schoolchildren. It also has a law that supports putting signs into EVERY CLASSROOM that displays the state motto “With God, All Things Are Possible.” The law requires schools to accept the donation of a sign with the state motto and display it in an appropriate manner in a classroom, an auditorium, or the school cafeteria.

It can be in every classroom. If you are listener in Ohio, or if you know someone who lives there, please, please, act on this great opportunity. For details, visit


01/28/25 - Our Rights & Our Mission


Is it biblical for us to assert our rights?

While Jesus gave up his rights to fulfil his mission of dying for our sins Paul asserted his rights and furthered his mission to proclaim the Gospel.

In Acts 16, Paul had just started a church in Philippi. His rights were violated as a Roman citizen when he was beaten and thrown into jail without a trial. He asserted his rights and put the town officials on the defensive. When he was quickly released, he went to the house church to encourage them. By asserting his rights, Paul advanced the Gospel. Students have religious freedom in the public schools to express their faith. Just like Paul, you are helping advance the Gospel when you help students understand those rights and live them out on campus.

You can get the facts on students’ religious liberties by clicking here.


01/29/25 - Discussing the Separation of Church & State


A lot people mistakenly think the phrase “separation of church and state” is in the Constitution. How should you respond?

It’s common for educators and school officials to claim that, because of the “separation of church and state” they must remove any mention of Jesus at Christmas or stop students from sharing their faith in class.

First, agree that no one wants a Church of America. But then ask, “What should happen when a church is on fire? Should it have its own fire trucks because government funded fire fighters cannot provide aid to a church?” And religion is in our curriculum. Should we censor it out? And religion is reflected in our community? Should we censor teaching students about the culture of our own community?

You can help those around you have a better understanding of religious freedom in your schools. For help, click here.


01/30/25 - Martin Luther & Religious Freedom


Most Americans have no idea the connection between Martin Luther and religious freedom.

Addressing religious freedom, Martin Luther wrote a paper entitled, Secular Authority: To What Extent it Should be Obeyed. Luther was at the forefront of religious freedom and students should learn how the Reformation brought about liberty.

He quoted Matthew 10:28 when Jesus said, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”

Luther then wrote:  “Surely that is clear enough: the soul is taken out of the hands of any human being whatsoever and is placed exclusively under the power of God... It is impossible and futile to command or coerce someone to believe this or that.”

For a free article explaining the connection between the Reformation and America’s religious freedom, click here.


01/31/25 - Biblical Worldview about History


What will Jesus think while sitting in your child’s History class?

You can prepare your children to have a biblical worldview as they sit in their History class by discussing what Jesus is thinking while sitting with them.

Of course, he’s thinking biblically. I can imagine Jesus thinking of Acts 17:26 and 27 – “From one man he made every nation of men that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out to him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.”

History is just that – HIS story. Every aspect of history should be seen as God working in the world.

You can be a gateway to better education for your children as they attend the public schools. For more resources visit our HOME PAGE.